
SJ Objio

I chose this photo to represent texture because you can tell that the paper is crumbled from the photo. I think the photographer did an amazing job of showing the real, and not implied, texture of this photo and it is successful because you get to see the real product and texture.

Camera Functions

ISO: From my understanding, ISO is your camera’s sensitivity to light. When you have a lower ISO value then you have a lower light sensitivity and when you have a higher ISO value then your camera will have higher sensitivity to light.


I think this photo represents ISO because the light shining from the trees could be captured differently by a different camera with higher or lower sensitivity.

Shutter Speed: The shutter speed of a camera is how fast the shutter closes. A slower shutter speed gives a longer exposure and a short shutter speed gives less exposure and less light being taken in.

Shutter Speed

I chose this photo to show an example of low exposure because the shutter wasn’t open long enough to capture a more clear image.

Aperture: Aperture is the size of the lens when it opens and controls the amount of light let in by the intensity of the different-sized openings.


I chose this photo because when the camera is mirrored and we are able to see the inside we can see the different lenses used to control aperture.